Let the Redecorating Commence!

15 07 2008

My current roommate is moving out, and a new one is moving in.  I’m sad to see the old one go, and I’m sad to see all of her belongings that I’m so used to using go as well.  But at least this gives me a chance to redecorate my apartment, since she is basically moved out and the new one won’t be moved in completely until the middle of next month.

So I’m planning an overhaul of the apartment – that includes the common room, my  bedroom, the kitchen and the bathroom.  But I’m desperately trying to do this on a budget.  We’ll see how this goes.

I first decided to plan out exactly what I needed to thrift/buy/make to have an apartment I’m comfortable in and one that looks good as well.  I discovered Better Homes and Gardens’ Arrange-a-Room, and I had a lot of fun planning out my new space.  For example, here is the common area before:                         

And after:                  

I added notes in pink so I would know what I need to move from other rooms, buy from thrift stores, or buy new.  As you can see, I also plan on recovering my couch, recliner, and chair so they all match.  (I will post real life before and after pictures as well, so you can see the glorious golden corduroy couch.)

I started to draw out floor plans by hand, but this one is much more fun.  You can specify the room size by feet, so your virtual floor plan is to scale.  Hope you enjoy this feature as much as I did!

ETA: You can see my other rooms and my plans for them here.



One response

28 09 2008
janet rogers

I love this program because you don’t have to draw out 30 different versions of your space, but I used this company in Santa Monica called Designers Call and for a very reasonable amount, they rearranged all of my furniture for me and gave me tons of redecorating tips and my house came out looking a thousand times better than I could have ever made it look. Also I got discounted seller prices on furniture-sweet!

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